
8-Books, Knowledge,Seminars and Courses

Trading Software Systems, Indicators, Strategies, Books,Seminars and Courses.
4000 GB Collection for $2000. TIME LIMITED OFFER! 
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Advance Courses for Members (Not Complete) $597 (forex4noobs.com) 
Chris Capre - Advanced Ichimoku Course, $399 (2ndskiesforex.com) 
Daniel T.Ferrera - General Outlook for 2014, $360 (sacredscience.com) 
ForexKnight Courses (inc. indicators for MT4), $997 (forexknights.com) 
Lambert-Gann Educators - Natural Squares Calculator (Based on W.D.Gann's Square of Nine), $547 (wdgann.com) 
Tom Alexander - New Foundations for Auction Market Trading Course, $1997 (auctionmarkettrader.com) 
Dan Kennedy's Copywriting Mastery & Sales Boot Camp Training, $997 (dankennedy.com, gkic.com) 
Frank Buttera - Balance Trader - Market Profile Course (balancetrader.com) 
Ichimoku Forex System E-Course (with MT4 indicators) (2014 April) $297 (ichimokucloud.com) 
Jennifer - How to Stack Your Trades (jennifer.bz) 
Jennifer - Trading with the RSI (jennifer.bz) 
John Bollinger - Practical Introduction to Bollinger Bands 2013 (Video, 2 hours) $139 (bollingerbands.com) 
Russ Horn - Forex Master Method & MT4 Indicators (forexmastermethod.com) 
Shirley Hudson & Vic Noble - The London Close Trade Strategy, $269 (forexmentor.com)

