
2-Books, Knowledge,Seminars and Courses

Trading Software Systems, Indicators, Strategies, Books,Seminars and Courses.
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Anany Levitin, Marina Levitin - Algorithmic Puzzles 
Andrew Lo - ActiveBeta Indexes. Capturing Systematic Sources of Active Equity Returns 
Arthur Merrill - Filtered Waves 
Aufman, Lockwood, Nation, Clegg - Mathematical Thinking and Quantitative Reasoning 
Bernard Widrow, Samuel D.Stearns - Adaptive signal processing 
Brain Everitt, etc - Cluster Analysis 5 nd 
Charles Dereeper - Le Sniper Forex 
Charles Geisst - Monopolies in America. Empire Builders & Their Enemies from Jay Gould to Bill Gates 
Collective Wisdom from the Experts - 97 Things Every Programmer Should Know 
Dan Sinton, Andrew S.Teufel - Fisher Investments on Telecom 
Daniel Duffy, Joerg Kienitz - Monte Carlo Frameworks. Building Customisable High Performance C Applications 
David Lerman - Exchange Traded Funds and EMini Stock Index Futures 
David Riedel - Finding the Hot Spots. 10 Strategies for Global Investing 
Ernst L.Leiss - A Programmer's Companion to Algorithm Analysis 
F.N. David - Games, Gods and Gambling. A Hhistory of Probability & Statistical Ideas 
Glenn J.Myatt, Wayne P.Johnson - Making Sense of Data III - A Practical Guide to Designing Interactive Data Visualizations 
Greg Gregoriou - Handbook of Short Selling 
Gregory Connor, etc - Portfolio Risk Analysis 
Isaac Gottlieb - Next Generation Excel. Modeling in Excel for Analysts and MBAs 
Jack D. Schwager - Hedge Fund Market Wizards 
James Thompson - Simulation. A Modeler's Approach 
Jeffrey A.Hirsch & Yale Hirsch - Stock Trader`s Almanac 2012 
John Tracy, Tage Tracy - How to Manage Profit and Cash Flow. Mining the Numbers for Gold 
John Wiley - The StockTwits Edge 
Joseph Stiglitz, Carl Walsh - Economics 4nd 
Ken Fisher - How to Smell a Rat. The Five Signs of Financial Fraud 
Kevin Dowd - Measuring Market Risk 
Larry Williams - Forecast 2012 Report 
Larry Williams - Mid-Year Forecast 2012 
Larry Williams - Sure Thing Stock Investing 
Lim Mark -The Profitable Art and Science of Vibratrading 
Malcolm Kemp - Market Consistency. Model Calibration in Imperfect Markets 
Maurice Obstfeld, Kenneth Rogoff - Foundations of International MacroEconomics 
Michael Rees - Financial Modelling in Practice. A Concise Guide for Intermediate & Advanced Level 
Olivier Blanchard, Stanley Fisher - Lectures on Macroeconomics 
Patrick Mikula - Gann`s Scientific Methods Unveiled (Volume 1) 
Patrick Mikula - Gann`s Scientific Methods Unveiled (Volume 2) 
Patrick Mikula - The Best Trendline Methods of Alan Andrews and Five New Trendline Techniques 
Patrick Mikula - The Definitive Guide to Forecasting Using W.D.Gann`s Scquare of Nine 
Paul Zubulake - The High Frequency Game Changer. How Automated Trading Strategies Have Revolution 
Peter Leeds - Invest in Penny Stocks. A Guide to Profitable Trading 
Rudiger Kiesel, etc - Alternative Investments & Strategies 
Stefano Fiorenzani - Quantitative Methods for Electricity Trading 
Stephen Satchell - Collectible Investments for the High Net Worth Investor 
Steven Drobny - Inside the House of Money 
Svetlozar Rachev, etc - A Probability Metric Approach to Financial Risk Measures 
Vitaliy Katsenelson - Active Value Investing. Making Money in Range Bound Markets 
Wolfgang Hardle, etc - Applied Quantitative Finance

